Thursday, December 4, 2008

What is Love?

What is love?
An old man
and a young boy.
A smile lights the old mans face
the boys face is tilted upwards
A girl is standing there.
All alone
she's scared,
its dark all around her.
Her brother steps towards her
he puts his arm around her.
A brother and sister.
A mother and child.
Her face is serene and glowing
a newborn child lays in her arms
asleep and quiet.
She smiles at the small perfect fingers
the wonderfully formed face
every detail
brings joy to this mothers eyes.
A small child,
kneeling by her bedside.
Her hands are folded
her eyes are closed
her face tilted upwards.
She gives her unfailing childlike faith to Christ
She doesn't ask why,
she follows his lead
with her trust.
A man and his bride.
Standing face to face
hand in hand
saying I do.
Forever and always
I want you by my side.
Her face could light up the church
And his smile the world.
Is that true love?

There is no greater love
than the love Christ gave to us.
He sent his Son to die
to call us His own.
We are unworthy,
But Christ is full of mercy and love.
Love that surpasses all else.


Heidi said...

sooo true. this is beautiful.

I totally wrote a poem with the exact same first line as this one... a long time ago. It's on my blog somewhere!

Brittany Bakker said...

I just looked at yours. (It took me a while to find it!) I remember reading that a while ago, its really good!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!!! I love all the examples you gave before wrapping it up. :D