Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I've never heard before.

Falling Forever.

This is something I wrote a while back and found it in an old(ish) notebook. (Depends on your view of old ;) )

Friday, October 2, 2009

Anthology: Whispers on the Wind

I know I've posted a version of this poem before, but this time I'm posting it again with the news that its going to be published in "Anthology: Whispers on the Wind". I entered it in a contest a couple months ago. (I pretty much picked at random a poem from my blog here to enter into the contest and came with this one.)

"Mismatched Beauty"
This strange beauty,
Creates serenity.
Like memories hidden
that come up unbidden.
Taking small pleasure
to a certain measure.
Colors mixed
strangely fixed.
Like music combined
that shouldn't sound kind
creates in me peace
without cease.

Wide open spaces
beauty with graces.
The feeling of being alive
to jump for joy, to thrive.
Crystal clear nights
staring into the heights.
The stars shining in vast wonder
always making me ponder.
The hush doesn't last long
when you hear the nature throng.
Small noises everywhere
symphonies made with care.