Friday, December 18, 2009


In darkness
its silent.
You're all alone.

Does the darkness really devour?
The coals before you glow
with a small flicker here and there.
The stars in the heaven
shine with brightness
a myriad of lights.

Is it really noiseless?
Can it be so void as to have no sound?
A slight rustle
as the wind catches the grass
just slightly.
A small crackle from the coals
every now and then
making its presence known.

So alone?
Yet look around you
and be reminded
of who's right there.
Beside you.
The Creator
Who you talk to
in prayer.

For lack of anything better to do and because my blog needs some updating.. here's something I kinda wrote off the top of my head. Enjoy! (if possible :P)

Monday, December 7, 2009

A prayer for the unborn.

The one who has no voice
the one without a choice

They never get to know a full life
all they get to feel is the knife.
To never see the light of day
for those souls, I now pray.

They really are alive
they're growing, they thrive
God made them all
no matter how small

How can a mother feel the baby inside
and yet be too full of pride
to admit they feel a life
and so they use a knife

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gods time.

All in Gods time.
I tell myself again
and again.
But insecurity creeps inside
whispering thoughts in my ear
telling me things I don't want to hear.
All in Gods time.
I tell myself again
and again.
Will these thoughts ever leave me?
Will I ever stop wanting,
wanting to take it all in my own hands.
It will come,
I have a promise.
My life has been planned for me
before time began
before the foundations of earth were layed.
All in Gods time.
I tell myself again
and again.
Do I really believe it?
Lord, help me always believe it.