Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snowed In

So the snow has been piling up... and blowing around... and its days like today and yesterday that you don't want to be out and about driving anywhere! Which also meant that no one could make it to this area, and the christmas program I had been looking forward to had been canceled. Christmas time there are so many plans, and so many times that they're canceled. It just goes to show us that it doesn't matter how much we plan and get ready for something, God is in control.
I did still have a good day though, being hunkered down in the house baking, reading, watching Christmas movies and doing a 1000 piece puzzle with my dad.

Swirling snow
whistling winds
all around the house.
Roads impossible
to drive in.
Driveways deepen
making work for those bundled inside
The winds beat on
the snow still falls
and inside, I'm warm and cozy.

Butter, sugar
flour, eggs.
Chocolate chips...
yum, maybe just one
or two.
mixing into cookie batter.
Oven heating
cookies baking.
Sweet smells of cookies
when they're done.
And yet... I'm too full
from the batter
to eat any.
Until later.

Curling up
under blankets.
Cozy warmth
as I'm reading.
Flipping through the pages
Stillness around me
quiet serenity.
The wind can be heard
only dully
in the background.

I felt bad because I haven't posted since Wednesday... so I wrote three... although they're all in the same context of being snowed in. Hope you like them... they're all off the top of my head which I think is the only way to write them. lol. Anyways, I'm off to get ready for the Bakker Christmas dinner with all my cousins and relatives. :-)


Heidi said...

being snowed in is a lot of fun sometimes... as long as you don't have somewhere to go.

but I bet my friday was more fun than yours! lol

I was at Snow Valley... there was sooooooooooo much powder!!

Brittany Bakker said...

-sigh- Snow Valley...
I wish I was there... and there's next to no hope of me going on the 5th. Its quite sad actually.