Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I'm starting to write another short (or many longer) story. I have more that I've already worked on, but here's the first couple paragraphs. Its probably going to be changed and edited alot before the end, so here's the roughest draft of the beginning (I know Heidi wants to read the final draft of this story and another I'm working on :-) )

The two of us lay there staring at the sky. Two sisters who could not be more different. She was fourteen, I was five. The elder girl lay on the soft grass with her hands behind her head. Her eyelids drooped over her bright blue eyes, and her golden hair that shone in the sunlight was fanned all about her. She looked to be tall, and slenderly built. She looked carefree and happy. As though she had no worries in the world.
"Doesn't that one look like a bird?" She looked at me and pointed to some clouds which did look like a bird. I continued staring at the sky without speaking. Out of the two of us, I was the more silent one. "My little silent shadow," is what Aideen had sometimes called me with a smile brightening her face.
The slow ever changing clouds whirled in white shapes and forms above me with the sky blue behind them. I lay there in silent serenity as my sister got up and wandered aimlessly through the field in search of flowers.
The grass was soft beneath my slight figure, and the sun was warm on my clear light skin. The wind blew my dark loose curls around my face as the tree's in the near distance whispered their sweet secrets to one another. A brown bird darted through my view of the sky and captured my attention. The small brown creature darted into the first tree on the edge of the forest and joined in its small chirps with the countless other birds of the forest.
I looked up and saw my sister with a small bunch of lilies walking towards me. "Come now, we should be heading back dear one." She gave me a warm smile as her dainty hand closed around my small childish one.
"Why don't we walk through the forest Deeny?" Aideen looked down at me mildly surprised that I had spoken.
"We have our reasons, little one. Why should you wish to walk through there anyways?" A silence stretched out as I looked up through my small dark eyes to her bright blue ones.
I whispered so that Aideen could not hear me, "Because the tree's feel like home."


Heidi said...

I like!

Aideen... good name!!!!!!!!

Jade Blackwater said...

thats really good! i wish i could write like that :P

Anywho, a good name?
thats all i can think of right now.
thanks for all the comment on my site! i'll try to post on your site as often as you post on mine :)