Wednesday, June 3, 2009


The days are now longer, the sun is brighter, the air is warmer, the plants are greener, and the birds are singing.
Its definitely starting to feel like summer! Those long days in the warm sun... some of them spent inside the library working, or doing various tasks that seem to pull me away from the outdoors, but alot of those days are spent outside enjoying the warmth! Give me a beach or a pool, a blanket and a good book, maybe some lemonade, and I'll stay out there alll day. :-)
Just thinking about summer is nice... well, mostly thinking about our yearly summer vacations! Now that is the epitome of summer relaxation. There's no work to be done. Your main goal there is to swim, be lazy, read books, relax in front of a campfire, hang out with friends... and the list goes on :-)
Only ten more days till we leave for the cottage!! :-D


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh... you make summer sound so good! =) I wish you the warmest of weather on your vacation! =)

Brittany Bakker said...

thanks suzanne!