Friday, February 27, 2009

Plastic Faces.

For the sake of a post, since none have been published in a while...

Plastic faces
fancy graces
its all an act.
Pretend life
without strife
nothings fact.

So you paint your appearance
colors, with no coherence.
Bright colors to conceal
what doesn't appeal.
Your face doesn't shine
but you think its fine
all you need to do is cover
and the ugliness is over
but someday that mask will be taken
and for beauty you will not be mistaken.
Your true colors will show
all your sins He shall know.
You need Him to clean you,
to teach you what is true.


Heidi said...

excellent word pictures. well done.

Brittany Bakker said...

Thanks, I love all your encouragement Heidi :-)
Especially when I have such low self esteem with my writing.