Monday, September 14, 2009

His Truth, His Light.

Unhappy man is he.
Cowering in deceit.
But how can he see the light
when he covers his eyes?
He says "This is light enough for me-
Its my own reality."
When really deep inside
all he wants to do is hide.
'Just take a look'
I want to say
because I know
he won't be the same.
Once the light
is in your sight
you're forever changed.

I look to my own life
and how I was before.
The Truth opened my eyes
It wasn't anything I did
that saved my sinful soul.
Darkness reigned inside
till the Holy Spirit shone light.
It penetrated the deepest recessed of my soul.
It held up a mirror
not of the world
but of the Truth
showing me how wretched I am.
But showing me His mercy.
His Truth.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

it's a beautiful thing.