Saturday, July 11, 2009


Ok, so I'm pretty sure no one reads my blog anymore.. but its still fun to sometimes write on :P.
At the cottage everyone was swimming, and I was very much waterlogged.. so I just wandered along the path in the sun.. heehee.. the sun got to me I think..
I forgot pretty much the whole thing.. but kinda remember one of the verses I thought up (man, I wish I remembered more... It was quite amusing at the time.)

I wander along this path aimlessly
the stones make it none too painlessly
my thoughts evade
in one long tirade
and yet I walk along endlessly


Heidi said...

I still check it! Though I must admit not QUITE as regularly as before... I shall have to remedy that!

Very nice post.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog!!!! :D I just don't comment as much as I used to... actually I don't go on the computer as much anymore since I started working. (hence the few posts on my own blog)

Nice! Good to know that I'm not the only one who makes up stories and such while I'm let alone to think!

God bless!

Brittany Bakker said...

haha, trust me, you don't want to hear the stories ;-) they can be quite random sometimes.. I just sometimes let some people know the relatively normal stuff. lol

and thanks both of you :-)

Heidi said...

Hey hey I'm still checking... any more inspiration on it's way?

Brittany Bakker said...

hmm. i think i might just be inspired really soon ;-)

Sheryl said...

I still read your blog too!! But as you can see, I don't check it every day! ;)