Wednesday, May 20, 2009


and falling
The mirror taunts
with insecurities
The magazines
they mock,
showing the world
what they should be.
The scale,
always haunts.
I see a dark world
where beauty matters
and if you're not beautiful
you're not worth something.

I look away
from the sinfulness
and decide for once
that it doesn't matter.
Deep inside
they're not happy.
No reason to live.
But I have hope
and in Christ,
I'm beautiful.


Anonymous said...

true, it's all vanity, a chasing after the wind.
But on the other hand, Beauty isn't. We just have to pursue real, pure beauty. Undefiled.

Anonymous said...

ps, you are beautiful :D

Brittany Bakker said...

Thanks KT :D
Sometimes, you can really notice the vain people. Because they do look beautiful... but you can tell its really mostly what they worry about.

Heidi said...

Amen to that. I needed to hear it. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder! :)

You're awesome! :)

Eph6vs10 said...

Hey Brittany, I found your blog :)

What a reminder! Let's shatter that mirror!