Saturday, February 14, 2009

When I look at the stars....

When I think about myself
and how my life turns out,
I wonder what I'm doing
and I just want to shout.
but then I stop and think
and turn myself around,
I think about how my life isn't my own
and that my blessings abound.

Then I look to the heavens
and see the vastness of it all,
I see the stars in their beauty
and I suddenly feel so small.
I think of their creator
and how I'm in His hand,
I'm in a foreign country
ever going towards His land.

Everything around me is strange
but its been bought as normal,
Things that shouldn't be
are everyday and formal.
Everyone strives for the American dream
working only for their self,
They put the needs of others
neatly on the shelf.

The problems not taking the time
to look around you,
to see something other than yourself
and who you belong to.
You're in a foreign country
not your homeland
we're ever journeying forward
to before Jesus stand.

Then I look to the heavens
and see the vastness of it all,
I see the stars in their beauty
and I suddenly feel so small.
I think of their creator
and how I'm in His hand,
I'm in a foreign country
ever going towards His land.