Friday, December 18, 2009


In darkness
its silent.
You're all alone.

Does the darkness really devour?
The coals before you glow
with a small flicker here and there.
The stars in the heaven
shine with brightness
a myriad of lights.

Is it really noiseless?
Can it be so void as to have no sound?
A slight rustle
as the wind catches the grass
just slightly.
A small crackle from the coals
every now and then
making its presence known.

So alone?
Yet look around you
and be reminded
of who's right there.
Beside you.
The Creator
Who you talk to
in prayer.

For lack of anything better to do and because my blog needs some updating.. here's something I kinda wrote off the top of my head. Enjoy! (if possible :P)

Monday, December 7, 2009

A prayer for the unborn.

The one who has no voice
the one without a choice

They never get to know a full life
all they get to feel is the knife.
To never see the light of day
for those souls, I now pray.

They really are alive
they're growing, they thrive
God made them all
no matter how small

How can a mother feel the baby inside
and yet be too full of pride
to admit they feel a life
and so they use a knife

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gods time.

All in Gods time.
I tell myself again
and again.
But insecurity creeps inside
whispering thoughts in my ear
telling me things I don't want to hear.
All in Gods time.
I tell myself again
and again.
Will these thoughts ever leave me?
Will I ever stop wanting,
wanting to take it all in my own hands.
It will come,
I have a promise.
My life has been planned for me
before time began
before the foundations of earth were layed.
All in Gods time.
I tell myself again
and again.
Do I really believe it?
Lord, help me always believe it.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

memories, once again.

Long ago and forgotten.
Memories settled in dust
once again.
Like an old guitar
worn out with old strings.

Blow the dust off the top
make the old look new,
once again.
Replace the strings
strum the chords
once again.
Hear the music that wants to be heard
lift your voice and sing
once again.

Clear notes ringing.
You've heard it before.
Something in the back of your mind
Like a picture frozen in time
distant, dim.
But its there.
Such a sweet sound
resounding in the darkness
to even the abandoned corners of your mind.
Clearing the dust from your thoughts,
making you remember
once again.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Call *By Regina Spektor*

It started out as a feeling
which then grew into a hope
which then turned into a quiet thought
which then turned into a quiet word
And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry.
I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye.

Just because everything's changing
doesn't mean it's never
been this way before.
All you can do is try to know
who your friends are
as you head off to the war.
Pick a star on the dark horizon
and follow the light

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say goodbye.
You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say goodbye

Now we're back to the beginning.
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet.
But just because they can't feel it too
doesn't mean that you have to forget.
Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye.
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Time After Time.

Moving so quickly,
dragging so slowly.
Time after time
happening again.
Sunshine brings contentment
but the clouds come.
Trying to be content,
But the dark times
making it hard.
Time goes on
not stopping for me.
When my life shatters
the world keeps turning.
Time after time.
There's more than me.
The night comes
after day.
Moving so quickly,
dragging so slowly.
Time after time

Thursday, November 5, 2009

And now today is something different. Today is like a whirlwind of emotions, sweeping up bits and pieces and scattering them everywhere. But nobody can see the whirlwind, for it seems everyone is on a totally different planet.
Today is mass confusion. Like a giant crowd of people, all shout different things. They even change what they shout. Nothing is coherent anymore, its just noise that threatens to deafen.
Today is like a roller coaster ride, up, down, and around. Except your eyes are closed, and after being thrown up and down for so long you don't even know where you are, what is even up, what is down.
Today is like having a heavy heart. Not just the small sadness, but it physically is heavy. Its like a weight pushing inside. Today is like being on the verge of tears, but not really knowing why.
Today is like asking questions, but not knowing if you really want the answers. Or even what questions to ask.
This is today.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I've never heard before.

Falling Forever.

This is something I wrote a while back and found it in an old(ish) notebook. (Depends on your view of old ;) )

Friday, October 2, 2009

Anthology: Whispers on the Wind

I know I've posted a version of this poem before, but this time I'm posting it again with the news that its going to be published in "Anthology: Whispers on the Wind". I entered it in a contest a couple months ago. (I pretty much picked at random a poem from my blog here to enter into the contest and came with this one.)

"Mismatched Beauty"
This strange beauty,
Creates serenity.
Like memories hidden
that come up unbidden.
Taking small pleasure
to a certain measure.
Colors mixed
strangely fixed.
Like music combined
that shouldn't sound kind
creates in me peace
without cease.

Wide open spaces
beauty with graces.
The feeling of being alive
to jump for joy, to thrive.
Crystal clear nights
staring into the heights.
The stars shining in vast wonder
always making me ponder.
The hush doesn't last long
when you hear the nature throng.
Small noises everywhere
symphonies made with care.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Today is like...

Its hard figuring out what today is like. Today is kind of like a stone vase, which looks the same today, as it did yesterday, except for the fact that there's more inside. No one can see how much is inside it, unless they take the time to look into it, which none do. If they looked they might see how close to overflowing it is, maybe they'd help, maybe they'd take some water out to spare it from breaking.
Today is like wanting chocolate, just to make it better.
Today is also sort of like waiting. Like standing on the side of the road waiting for a friend to pick you up, except you don't know what time they're coming, or what they're driving, or even what friend it is that is coming. Your dad made the plans for you, and its a surprise, one he knows you'll love. And you wait there, but you're waiting unhappily. You see a car coming and you begin to think that it might be the one, but its not the right person, the car keeps on going past. You end up becoming despondent because of it. And today is like you're still there waiting. And one of your closest friends in a nice car just drove on past. Maybe they'll be back, but it doesn't look like they're turning around.
Today is also like walking in the rain. Oddly you're still happy, but just not as much. It has been raining for a while, but it has only just soaked into all your layers. But you can also see the house you've been walking to, and you know soon you'll be dry.
Today is like a blender inside my brain. Mixing the good memories and the bad. Except there aren't really any that are bad.
Today is like being joyful, and depressed at the same time.
Today is like being thankful for a brand new week, something new, fresh, good. But today is also like feeling let down that the weekend is so far away, and with it friends.
And yet.. I still don't know what today is like.

Monday, September 14, 2009

His Truth, His Light.

Unhappy man is he.
Cowering in deceit.
But how can he see the light
when he covers his eyes?
He says "This is light enough for me-
Its my own reality."
When really deep inside
all he wants to do is hide.
'Just take a look'
I want to say
because I know
he won't be the same.
Once the light
is in your sight
you're forever changed.

I look to my own life
and how I was before.
The Truth opened my eyes
It wasn't anything I did
that saved my sinful soul.
Darkness reigned inside
till the Holy Spirit shone light.
It penetrated the deepest recessed of my soul.
It held up a mirror
not of the world
but of the Truth
showing me how wretched I am.
But showing me His mercy.
His Truth.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Stand In Awe

The silent shivers
in the early morning air.
Sitting huddled on a bench
and hard wood beneath my feet.
The morning is peaceful
as the birds chatter all around.
The mist rises off the lake
making the scene before me beautiful.
I bow my head in prayer
and words echo in my head of thankfulness.
My heart swells with joy
as the sun peaks over the tree's.
A reflection on the lake making it brighter
making it picture perfect.
Everything is beautiful.
Everything is awesome.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


The slow chatter around me droned in my ears like all the other times. The uselessness seemed to be so tangible I could almost feel it. Everything was almost going in slow motion. Some did not even talk at all but just stood there almost seemingly thinking about nothing at all. Their eyes were glazed with fatigue and their eyes distant, but not the kind of distant you'd see on someone dreaming, no it was more of a close far away look. Like they had nothing else to do but stare till their eyes just lost the will to focus on anything at all. Not that there was anything at all to focus on except perhaps the other people there.
I'm sure the people would be despondent, except there was nothing to despair about, for they all knew no better. No one here had a past, they have no present, and they for certain had no future.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Salvation Intervened

Something old
decrepit with mold
Salvation intervened
now washed and cleaned
something white
radiating light
once being lost
brings the cost
of a death for one
my Savior has come.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My First Breath.

I want to be
a new person.
But how can I
without a ransom?
This old man
shadows me.
Can I ever
be set free?

He grabs at my ankles
to make me stumble
he covers my eyes
in the dark I fumble.
The only way
for night to be done
is to bring the light
from His kingdom come.

This old man
is to finally rest
only on the day
I have confessed.
On that last day
he'll be fully put to death
and it will be that day
I'll breath my first breath.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Ok, so I'm pretty sure no one reads my blog anymore.. but its still fun to sometimes write on :P.
At the cottage everyone was swimming, and I was very much waterlogged.. so I just wandered along the path in the sun.. heehee.. the sun got to me I think..
I forgot pretty much the whole thing.. but kinda remember one of the verses I thought up (man, I wish I remembered more... It was quite amusing at the time.)

I wander along this path aimlessly
the stones make it none too painlessly
my thoughts evade
in one long tirade
and yet I walk along endlessly

Sunday, June 28, 2009


The last light on the horizon
burnt orange display from the sun
dark blue clouds separate the colors
light blue echoing the wonders.
This scene made by the One

The lake is smooth, like glass
the activity done as the light fades fast
trees silhouetted black against the sky
the lake mirroring from up high
the light gone, we're in darkness cast.

Clear cool air bringing peace with night
all is calm, no need for fright
a settling peace comes over me
I feel like I'm set free
and still guarded by God's might.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"If we hit a deer with the car, we'd be fine...
"If we hit a moose... depending on what speed, we're more than likely goners!" Jeff
"What if a bear climbed up into the flimsy tree's and then jumped on the car?!" Marissa
"... we'd be destined to die...." Jeff.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Each one unique.
in a familiar way.
Can it become more beautiful
in less a familiarity?
As the light within changes.
Will it grow stronger
or is risking its light
is what will dim it
Only one chance
and if it fails,
the unique beauty
All familiarity lost.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wild Olive Tee's

Hey all you girls out there. I saw this site posted on a friends blog, and decided to check it out. You should too! They have some really cool tee's that glorify God! Don't you hate it when you're shopping for tee's in walmart or something and you come across tee shirts that have very inappropriate things printed on them? Yeah... I hate that too.
I'm for sure going to get one of the tee's! (all I have to decide is which one.. they're all really cool!)
Just click the picture to get to the site. :D


The days are now longer, the sun is brighter, the air is warmer, the plants are greener, and the birds are singing.
Its definitely starting to feel like summer! Those long days in the warm sun... some of them spent inside the library working, or doing various tasks that seem to pull me away from the outdoors, but alot of those days are spent outside enjoying the warmth! Give me a beach or a pool, a blanket and a good book, maybe some lemonade, and I'll stay out there alll day. :-)
Just thinking about summer is nice... well, mostly thinking about our yearly summer vacations! Now that is the epitome of summer relaxation. There's no work to be done. Your main goal there is to swim, be lazy, read books, relax in front of a campfire, hang out with friends... and the list goes on :-)
Only ten more days till we leave for the cottage!! :-D

Sunday, May 24, 2009

hypocrites prayer

"Thy will be done
on earth as well as heaven"

Each day I pray this
before my meal at night
but I still want my own will
and for that I'll fight.
I pick my own job
because the Sundays pay well.
It started out good,
but then that job fell.
I chose also to date
someone that God didn't choose
and in that scenario
I really did lose.
I was looking for homes
and I found one that was nice
it wasn't near a church though
and I moved against my parents advice.
It was soon after I noticed
how things were always so wrong
It confused me sings I've been
doing Your will for so long.

Hey, this is my sad attempt at doing poetry while being bored tonight. I'm actually really tired... too many late nights in a row.
This poem doesn't really flow at all, but you can kinda get what I'm trying to say... I hope. lol

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


and falling
The mirror taunts
with insecurities
The magazines
they mock,
showing the world
what they should be.
The scale,
always haunts.
I see a dark world
where beauty matters
and if you're not beautiful
you're not worth something.

I look away
from the sinfulness
and decide for once
that it doesn't matter.
Deep inside
they're not happy.
No reason to live.
But I have hope
and in Christ,
I'm beautiful.


Cold winds around me
grey clouds swirling,
tree's billow round
that set their leaves twirling.
The first drop on my arm
making a cold proclamation
many follow after
my clothes in wet saturation.
The cold seeps in slowly
and the rain runs off my face
I hurry my steps onward
to get out of this place

Friday, May 15, 2009

Looking to Jesus.

Slowly crawling by
looking all around
seeing the color pass
the world spinning round.
Their lives are shades of black and white
their voices hold no tune
their eyes shine with no glimmer
and to joy, they are immune.
Screeching piercing cries ring
are heard by one and all
they don't know what to stand for
so to anything, they will fall.
They hold stone and wood
which is also black and white
and even when no response comes
they worship with spite.

Colors walk on past the grey
but do they stop to listen?
To the echo's of the hurt and pain
and see the eyes that glisten.

Hands that come to pick them up
are rejected with a hate
and still the echo's resound
of their everlasting fate.

Other grey come alive
as they reply the song
and with the other colored ones
they walk in joy along.

It means something, you have to tell
sometimes in a whisper, others a yell
Its all one big mystery to those who can't see the picture
We can only see the colors beneath, in a tangle and mixture.
You're being used, to pass it on to the grey
to become color, we always hope and pray.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Our Father

First off, sorry that I haven't posted much in a while... I got some comments that my blog has been lacking. Hopefully that'll change and I'll be posting more in the next little while.

This past weekend at AOC was amazing! I made tons of new friends (who I'll always remember!) I was able to see a whole bunch of my friends from before, we had an amazing time with the songs that were picked out, the discussions and our groups were great! (Amazing leaders! Justine and Graham! :-D)
For the last discussion, we were asked to write on a piece of paper, our version of the Lord's prayer. Here is mine.

Our Father,
who watches over us,
holy be Your name.
May Your kingdom come
and only You have the fame.
May what you want
play out in my life
being thankful in good times
and humble with strife.
Give us what we need,
to get through each day.
Please help us to forgive others
and even for them pray
When temptations come
help us not fall.
But we know You'll be here
and with us through it all.
You reign over the universe
may all the glory be for You.
In every single thing we say
and in all that we do.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

There is a friend of mine
that I love tons for sure
because sometimes when I'm down
she has the perfect cure.
I can tell her lots of things
and I know she'll be here
to make me feel better
and to dispel my fear.
Sometimes laughter's a medicine
but serious talk is too
if you ask me what kind of friend she is
I'll tell you "this one's true."

Set Apart Girl

Check out this site girls! Great site!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Based on a true story. lol ;-)

I lay on my bed
and my thoughts grow,
from something small
to something more.
I drift off to sleep
with a smile on my face,
because I'm returning
to that special place.

I'm on top of a hill
with wings by my side
a board under my feet
I begin to fly.
below my snowboard
the earth whizzes past
and I just want this moment
to forever last.
I fly off the jump
and the board is gone
I'm soaring with my wings
in the heavens alone.
But something brings me
back down again
a scream in the throat
I try to refrain.
Something large and monstrous
tries to catch me
as I try hard
to just stay free.
The light from the heavens
dim and go black,
I can hardly see where I'm running
with the monster at my back.
My feet grow heavy
its too hard to run
all i want now
is to be safely home.

One dream turns to another
and suddenly I'm alone
I turn to see
a house so forlorn.
I would go in
but I know its in my dreams
it could turn sour
nothings as it seems.

I wake with a start
my dreams now a haze
already drifting from memory
hardly a daze.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Glass Doll

Today my insides feel almost as hollow as the useless and invisible glass doll that sits outside all on its lonesome. Its not dirty, or broken, but it just doesn't get noticed.
Since its not yet spring really, its still cold. Well, it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so windy, or if she had a jacket on, but it is windy, and she has no jacket. She just has to wait till someone will find her from this temporary place she's sitting and takes her somewhere warmer.
Fragile and empty she watches as people mill about her, not really noticing. Some people look at her from the corner of their eye, but go away almost before they even came.
It kind of reminds her of the people that left her there. She wasn't quite sure what had happened. One moment she was with all the other glass dolls, all lined up and on display on the shelf in the warm house, and the next moment she was alone and cold.
Finally, someone noticed her, it was a young girl. She had many dolls in her hand, which made her jealous almost. But the girl was paying attention to her. She played with the doll for a bit, then she could tell the little girl grew tired of her. The girl swung her dangerously along heedless and careless to the poor glass dolls fragility.
A park garbage was all the doll saw before she was swung into darkness. She could feel herself breaking a little as the drop hurt the glass doll terribly.
It wasn't long though, till another girl came by the garbage can, she took the doll out and looked at her with soft kind eyes. She had noticed a couple cracks. The glass on the doll had not fully broken, but it would take alot to heal her fully to the former state of the white smoothness she had.
Almost like magic she took out some glue, and started gluing the cracks together. But before she had even finished she turned her back and ran.
If the doll had felt invisible before, it was tenfold now. If she had felt useless before, the poor doll was more so now.
None looked at the doll now, except the occasional person who only looked at her sad state with pity.
The glass doll wondered if she was not good enough to be noticed, or if she was in some way useless, so much so that none wanted her.
I'm pretty sure she would cry, but being only a doll, her insides were hollow. She felt nothing at all except the cold hollow ache inside.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Random verse and rhymes me and Alyssa wrote together on msn. We speak in rhymes alot now.. its great fun. Sometimes we'll just start writing something that is actually going somewhere.. We did this a couple nights ago, and then I copied it from our chat history and edited it. Now its here on my blog.. :-)

Getting through it all, keep looking ahead
to the one who holds your hand, and through these trials led.

He's there beside you, the whole journey through.
So you can keep onwards, and be always true.

Beside you He will always stay,
and for you He'll pave the way.

He'll test you no more than you can bear,
and will see you through, He'll always be there.

God knows all,
everything big and small,
He has an ultimate plan,
Brit: with every single man.

So keep forever onwards,
with confidence in our Lord
that He will give us strength
to ever move us forward.

He knows what will happen
and that's a comfort to me,
that I can plunge onward
and its His plan to set me free.

Persevere till the end and pray
He's with you, and in you all the way.
And though times seem dark and black
His love is there for us and there's nothing we lack.

Each and every day, you can talk to Him in prayer,
He'll be merciful and just, but not always fair.

But its to our favor,
for we need a Savior.
To redeem us to life
and end all our strife.

We don't deserve whats given.
And how we've been forgiven.
So strive on, for He will hold you
and through it all He'll bring you through.

God sometimes lets us fall, so that we can have the perseverance
to get up and try again, for we know that He is near us

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Hold him in your arms
and show him you care.
Surround him with peace
and let him know You're there.

Give him comfort
in his last days here.
Lord, keep him close to you
please keep him near.

Praying ever more for my Opa. <3

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


The righteous perish, and no one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil.
Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.

Isaiah 57:1,2.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

just me again. silly me...

How come I can't write good enough to satisfy my mind?
I search through my brains and nothing I find
is worth talking about or letting anyone know
I wish I could get my brain to work and go.
My poetry makes no sense to anyone but me
How is that supposed to set my writing free?
I can't think up anything worthwhile to write
Nothing I think of comes out contrite.

I wish there was some way that I could improve
something to do to me, something to move
I need some inspiration, but I just can't grasp
anything worthwhile anything to clasp
I need something to hold onto but no matter how hard I try
I can't seem to reach it. It makes me want to cry.

I feel sometimes down, and confusing thoughts fill my head.
It comes with me where'er I go, till I lay down in bed
even then it still haunts me as minutes turn to more
my head is so filled, there's no more room to store.
Dispel all my fears and put my anxieties to rest
and maybe my poetry, will turn out to be the best
I wish I was special, I wish people noticed me
I wish I were visible, then it'd be me they'd see.

Monday, March 2, 2009

beauty in the small things

There's beauty in the simple things
the things we walk on past
we never take the time
and make each moment last

We just run out of the rain
instead of watching it glitter
as it dances to the music
of its tune pitter patter.

We don't listen to the birds
high in their place
their beautiful chatter
brings joy to my face

An intake of breath
in the fresh outdoor air
from being inside to outdoors
in weather so fair

To hear the laughter
and to see her face shine
as she looks upon him
being in love divine

seeing the simple shoots
of green sprouting from the ground
and the triumphant breakthrough
during spring all around

Have you ever stopped to wonder
why the sky is so blue?
Its so beautiful and vast
but acknowledged by few

Beauty in simple trust
of a child not many years
that can make him feel better
and dispel all his fears

A small flower peeking
through a bed of thorns an weeds
there's beauty everywhere
and shows us our needs

we need to see the beauty
so that we can glorify more
the one who has made them
and what He's made them for


A small hand reaching,
for what he knows is there
a mothers hand to respond
not just thin air.

Closing your eyes
and to be led
with only your guide
to watch where you tread

I only have a small amount of time to post these days... But just some random things that I have been writing (once again) off the top of my head in my spare time.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Plastic Faces.

For the sake of a post, since none have been published in a while...

Plastic faces
fancy graces
its all an act.
Pretend life
without strife
nothings fact.

So you paint your appearance
colors, with no coherence.
Bright colors to conceal
what doesn't appeal.
Your face doesn't shine
but you think its fine
all you need to do is cover
and the ugliness is over
but someday that mask will be taken
and for beauty you will not be mistaken.
Your true colors will show
all your sins He shall know.
You need Him to clean you,
to teach you what is true.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The death of Common Sense

An Obituary printed in the London Times...

Interesting and sadly true.

'Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: knowing when to come in out of the rain; why the early bird gets the worm; life isn't always fair; and maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6 -year -old boy charged with ****** harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust,
his wife, Discretion his daughter, Responsibility his son, Reason.

He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers: I Know My Rights, I Want It Now, Someone Else Is To Blame, and I'm A Victim.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.'

If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Creative writing.
Pieces that don't belong,
Somehow don't seem wrong.
Flowing with unfamiliar graces.
In my heart preserve special places.

The strange beauty,
Creates serenity.
Like memories hidden
that come up forbidden.
Taking small pleasure
to a certain measure.
Colors mixed
strangely fixed.
Like music combined
that shouldn't sound kind
but it has a sound
which I have found
makes me feel peace
without cease.

Wide open spaces
beauty with graces
The feeling of being alive
to jump for joy, to thrive.
Crystal clear nights
staring into the heights.
The stars shining in vast wonder
always making me ponder.
The hush doesn't last long
when you hear the nature throng.
Small noises everywhere
symphonies made with care.

When I look at the stars....

When I think about myself
and how my life turns out,
I wonder what I'm doing
and I just want to shout.
but then I stop and think
and turn myself around,
I think about how my life isn't my own
and that my blessings abound.

Then I look to the heavens
and see the vastness of it all,
I see the stars in their beauty
and I suddenly feel so small.
I think of their creator
and how I'm in His hand,
I'm in a foreign country
ever going towards His land.

Everything around me is strange
but its been bought as normal,
Things that shouldn't be
are everyday and formal.
Everyone strives for the American dream
working only for their self,
They put the needs of others
neatly on the shelf.

The problems not taking the time
to look around you,
to see something other than yourself
and who you belong to.
You're in a foreign country
not your homeland
we're ever journeying forward
to before Jesus stand.

Then I look to the heavens
and see the vastness of it all,
I see the stars in their beauty
and I suddenly feel so small.
I think of their creator
and how I'm in His hand,
I'm in a foreign country
ever going towards His land.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Random Post

I haven't exactly written much this past little while... ok, for the past longish while. Last two conferences I went to... honestly, the best ever! I loved this past weekends at Woodstock, hearing Pastor Bylsma speak on gaining the attitude of Job was amazing! He's an awesome speaker! The weekend before that, hearing about Fighting Spiritual Depression by Rev Bouwers was really encouraging. Its not a topic that gets adressed too much. And as always, it was awesome seeing friends again, and even making new friends!

Random Quotes;
"I have enough money to last me the rest of my life!... unless I buy something."
"A wise man once told me 'I don't know, go ask a girl!'"

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I would write a poem or something on friends... BUT, I'll save that for later. The conference was really great at Immanuel today and last night. I liked the speeches on depression. All of it is true!
One of the best antidotes for depression that God gives us are friends. Not friends that will say what you want to hear, but they'll say what you need to hear. They're there for you when you're confused, they're there to make you smile. Some of my friends are wise. (Honestly!) I can ask them any question, and you know you'll get an answer you'd probably not think of, AND it will make sense! They're the kind of people I want to always brighten their day. Even if I can't brighten my own. I can be honest with them, I can be myself and not try to act like someone else. Its too hard to try to conform to someone elses opinion and their tastes. I sometimes feel sorry for all those other girls and guys who don't know my friends. Poor people, they don't know what they're missing out on!
I thank God in prayer daily for the blessings he has given me. God is good. :-)


I once went out to a mackintosh orchard, the owner said we an apple if we wished to. It was still early in the season, and hardly any looked ripe enough to eat. The orchard was overrun with weeds and insects, making this quest of finding a good apple even harder! Some had been picked too early, and instead of still becoming ripe and beautiful, they went from being sour, to being rotten. As much as I looked, I couldn't find a single ripe one, most of them were hidden from the sunlight in the dark, and not growing as much as they should. But then, something caught my eye as I looked up, there was the biggest, shiniest, ripest apple I could ever hope for! It was well out of reach, but I wasn't afraid to work hard and climb up to get it.
I climbed, higher and higher, over branches that weren't very sturdy. I fought my way to the branch, and gently plucked the bright apple. I brought it back down to the safety of the sturdy, hard ground. What came next was satisfying and delicious. It was the best apple I had ever tasted! I was glad I didn't settle for a half-ripe one, but kept on searching till I found the perfect one. Mmmm...

Friday, January 23, 2009


Smooth notes
drifting around.
Ringing from the piano,
a melodious sound
Soothing lullabies,
whispering pleasant tunes in my ears.
Gently washing over me,
subsiding my fears.
My heart tugs
towards the tune.
Simple beautiful melodies
making me swoon.
As I listen to the music
I see images in my mind.
Heavenly beauty,
on this earth I'll never find.
But I'm sure in heaven,
the angels will play
sweet piano songs to glorify
our Savior all day.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


A rush of adrenaline hits you
as you rush down the hill.
Speed quickly gaining
faster and faster.
You lose yourself in the feeling
of being alive.
The wind hits your face
the cold seeps in
but you don't feel it
all you can feel is the pull of gravity
bringing you ever downwards.
A jump looms closer and closer,
you steer your board towards it.
Your courage almost fails you
watching yourself come to it.
You've never felt it before
as you launch into the air.
And for only a second
you feel free.
Those dreams of flying high in the sky
become real.
As your board makes contact once again
with the pure white snow
your heart stays up
high in the clouds.
You stop at the bottom of the hill
and you're itching to go back up
and repeat it all again.

I know I've written alot about snow and boarding... but I couldn't resist to write another one after my last time boarding. It was alot of fun! I'm glad I went off of the jumps... even if it was only a couple times. I landed two, barely made another one, and fell when going off two.
Sorry if my verse isn't the greatest... but I needed to get it out before I could concentrate on my science. lol. Hope you enjoy it, even if its not too well written.

Monday, January 19, 2009

You know you're dutch when...

I saw this the other day when my cousin put it in his notes on facebook... I laughed alot because so much of it is true!! (Go stroop wafles and dutch mints!!) lol

You Know You're Dutch When.....

The temperature is so low in your house that 2 sweaters is a bare minimum if you want to be remotely warm.

During the winter it's warmer outside than it is inside.

You open the freezer and are excited to find a container of ice- cream,only to open it and discover it's full of homemade soup or stamppot..

When looking in the fridge, you never trust that the yogurt or margarine containers contain what the label says.

You were green before it was popular. Why recycle when you can just reuse!

You have a pair a wooden shoes in your house.

Your china cabinet is filled with Delft.

You like pickled herring.

You've eaten oliebollen at New Years.

You enjoy chocolate sprinkle (hagelslag) sandwiches.

You have cousins who wear size 14 shoes and are over 6'4"

You wash and reuse plastic cups and plastic cutlery.

You have soup and open-faced sandwiches for Sunday lunch.

The most frequent phrase uttered growing up was "Turn off the lights!"

You get a chocolate letter every year for Christmas.

All the tables in your house are covered in tablecloths.

You like krokets.

You know that Vla is better than regular old pudding.

You drink tea with breakfast, coffee at 10 am, tea at 3 pm, and coffee again at 8 pm (with cookies or biscuits of course!)

You have an afghan knitted by your Oma.

You collect coupons like they're going out of style.

Your Oma had a calendar with everyone's birthdays & anniversaries spelled out in capital letters (bonus points if it hung in the bathroom!)

You've been known to recycle aluminum foil. And ziploc bags.

You own a special utensil that is only used for cutting cheese.

You know that Gouda is the best cheese ever.

You have at least 5 relatives with the same name (and somehow you always know which one is being talked about).

You reuse teabags.

When you hear all the "new ways to save energy" you yawn and say "I've been doing that all my life!"

You eat your sandwiches open-faced. "What?

You want another slice of bread? I'll make you another sandwich."

You rarely have both meat and cheese on the same sandwich.

You have never met half the relatives at your family reunion

You have 100 roles of toilet paper in your house because they were on sale.

You put a little water into the jar of tomato sauce and shake it to make sure you got it all out.

You have trouble shopping for hats. There should be at least two sizes: 'one size fits all' and 'dutch'.

You wipe the last of the butter out of the container with your bun.

All your cookies taste like almonds.

You make the bed in your hotel room.

You have lace on your windows but not on your underwear.

You like dubbel zout drops, and have occasionally tricked a friend into trying one.

You've put mayonnaise on your french fries.

Your kitchen is filled with milk bags drying, waiting to be reused in the freezer.

You drink Heineken out of pride.

You have a front room but nobody sits in it (or it's only used for special occasions).

You have a spoon collection.

Your favourite mustard comes in jars that can be reused as drinking glasses.

You leave a window open year round to get fresh air.

You eat stroop waffles.

You love the colour orange.

You have a vegetable garden because there's no way you're paying that much for veggies at the grocery store.

Your fridge is always stocked with leftovers. Throw out food? Never!

You go to the "Dutch Store" because the smell brings back so many childhood memories.

You have pictures of windmills around your house.

Everything is Do-It-Yourself - it's cheaper than hiring someone.

You use "washandjes" (facecloths that you can put your hand into).

You have to explain what 'om' and 'tante' means when you're discussing your relatives with non-Dutch people.

You own tea towels and oven mitts patterned with windmills and dancing women in clogs.

You call it "MELK" not "milk".

All your cousins have the same names as your brothers and sisters,because everyone is named after Oma and Opa.

And finally, you know you're Dutch when..

You're laughing along with this list because you can relate to most it

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Winter Beach

Water spraying
from the violent waves
crashing against rocks.
The mist is freezing
bone chilling
and the wind seems to go through me.
I shiver uncontrollably
I huddle inside my jacket closely.
And still,
the wind blows on
the mist still covers me.
A thin layer of ice encompasses me,
and I'm cold.
Like I've never been before.

I love going to the beach in the winter... even if it is a tad bit cold. :-)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Psalm 117:

Praise the LORD, all you nations;
extol him, all you peoples.
For great is His love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the LORD
endures forever.
Praise the LORD.

This was the text for our New Years eve meditation for our church service. I love this psalm.. :-)

Ecclesiastes 3:

There is a time for everything,
and a season for ever activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of me; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That every man may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil- this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so men will revere Him.
Whatever is has already been,
and what will be has been before;
and God will call the past to account.
And I saw something else under the sun:
In the place of judgment-wickedness was there,
in the place of justice -wickedness was there.
I thought in my heart,
"God will bring to judgment
both the righteous and the wicked,
for there will be a time for every activity
a time for every deed."
I also thought, "As for men, God tests them so that they may see that they are like the animals Man's fate is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath man has no advantage over the animal. Everything is meaningless. All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust return. Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward and if the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth?"
So I saw that there is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work, because that is his lot. For who can bring him to see what will happen after him?

It was a good sermon for both these texts... (this last one was new years day service's text..)